From the CEO’s Desk : Coming soon - Family Doctor Day and WONCA Prague

March, 2013

Prague winter now, summer soon

Charles Bridge, the River Vltava flowing underneath, Prague Castle sitting on the hill, some of the most beautiful architecture in the world – and a biting cold wind and frost and snow on the ground. All of this was Prague in the 3rd week of March when Dr Dan Ostergaard and I spent a couple of days with Drs Bohumil Seifert and Vaclav Benes and the Prague conference organising company, to review plans for the 20th World Conference.

The response so far has been fantastic, with nearly 1,800 abstracts received for consideration. Inevitably many have had to be declined, as there simply isn’t enough time and space during the conference – even though the number of parallel sessions has been increased from 15 to 17 – but the abstracts that have been selected will ensure an exciting and stimulating and hopefully thought-provoking programme for everyone to enjoy. The conference venue is excellent, the keynote speakers are of the highest quality, the scientific programme is stimulating and Prague is juts a wonderful place to visit, especially in June, so we anticipate possibly the best WONCA World conference ever. Spain is currently leading the field with the greatest number of conference registrations, but we hope that there will be over 4,000 delegates at the event. Register here

Of course, Prague will also be the venue for the World Council meeting, which is scheduled for Saturday 22 to Monday 24 June. The call for agenda items has gone out to all our Member Organisations and we have had a number of responses so far. Meetings of the Regional Councils are scheduled for Friday 21 June, with most Working Parties and Special Interest Groups meeting on the afternoon of Monday 24 or some time on Tuesday 25 June, just prior to the conference itself. It will be a busy time fort he new Secretariat staff, but Nongluck and her team of Malee and Arisa have been working hard to ensure a successful event. For details of all WONCA meetings as they come to hand please check regularly on the WONCA website.

A plug now for two particular pre-conference events:
Firstly the Cancer and Palliative Care Special Interest Group is holding a half day preconference workshop from 1.30pm on Tuesday 25th June. Anyone with a particular interest in this topic is welcome to attend. More details, including how to register, can be found on the WONCA website.

Secondly a pre-conference meeting for all young family doctors will be held on June 24th and 25th, prior to the WONCA World Conference. This is being organized jointly by the Vasco da Gama Movement, the Rajakumar Movement, the Waynakay Movement, the Spice Route and the First Five Years in Family Practice in Canada. It is open to trainees and junior General Practitioners / Family Physicians (GPs/FPs), up to five years after their qualification. Further details can be found on the WONCA website –

Family Doctor Day - May 19

Finally can I once again remind everyone about World Family Doctor Day on May 19? If you or your organisation have any plans for the day then do please let Karen Flegg (WONCA Editor) know on - so that we can publicise the events in advance and for you to report on them afterwards.

Until next month.

Garth Manning