WONCA Working Party: Quality & Safety

Quality & Safety

Our vision is that high quality healthcare in a safe environment is universally available to all peoples. Our aim is to support WONCA members in caring for their patients with the highest standards of quality and safety in order to achieve the best health outcomes that are possible.

Convenor / Chair

Prof  Jose Maria Valderas (Singapore)

Email Chair

Prof Valderas is an Academic General Practitioner and health services researcher.

He graduated in Medicine from the University of Barcelona in 1997, and qualified as a General Practitioner in 2003. After completing his PhD and MPH in his hometown, he worked with Barbara Starfield firstly at the Department of Health Policy and Management, Johns Hopkins University and then at the National Primary Care Research and Development Centre and the NIHR School of Primary Care Research, University of Manchester. He then set up and led the Health Services and Policy Research group first at the Nuffield Department of Primary Care Health Sciences, University of Oxford and the NIHR School of Primary Care Research and subsequently at the University of Exeter and the NIHR School of Primary Care Research. In 2021, he moved to Singapore to lead the Department of Family Medicine at the National University of Singapore. He has also held visiting appointments at the European Observatory of Health Systems and Policies, the London School of Economics and the Universities of Sydney and Paris.

His research is aimed at improving the delivery of primary health care, with a particular focus on the use of patient assessments of their health and health care, the responses to the challenges of multimorbidity, and the involvement of patients and their families in patient safety.

He has provided expert advice as consultant to the World Health Organization over the course twenty years and he was one of the key contributors to the renewed vision for the World Health Organization Astana Declaration of Primary Health Care. He was elected by his peers as President of the International Society for Quality of Life Research. He is currently Chief Editor of Frontiers in Health Services and has previously served as an Associate Editor to the European Journal of General Practice.

Source. Wikipedia

Co-Convenor or other office bearers

Executive Members

Team Leadership

  • José María Valderas (Singapore) – Chair of the Working Party on Quality and Safety and Executive Committee Member
  • Oana Bulilete (Spain) – Secretary and Executive Committee Member
  • Mercy Wanjala (Kenya) – Executive Committee Member
  • Leonardo Graever (Brazil) – Executive Committee Member
  • María Pilar Astier Peña (Spain) – Immediate Past Chair and Executive Committee Member
  • Andrée Rochefort (Ireland) – EquIP Liaison and Executive Committee Member
  • Sky Koh (Singapore) – Executive Committee Member
  • José Miguel Bueno Ortiz (Spain) – Executive Committee Member

Vision and Mission of WONCA Working Party on Quality & Safety

The World WONCA Working Party on Quality and Safety in Family Medicine will support family doctors (family physicians/general practitioners) around the world in their efforts to review systematically and improve continuously the quality of health care they provide in a safe environment as follows:

Statement of principles of the WONCA Working Party on Quality and Safety in Family Medicine

  1. To provide quality and safety tools to all healthcare providers with regard to the structures of environment, the care processes and outcomes of health,
  2. To provide more educational activities for residents and general practitioners on quality improvement and safety in and at regional and research meetings,
  3. To share information on quality and safety improvement programs between our countries,
  4. To identify patient based indicators to include clinical, organisational and patient satisfaction to measure quality and safety of care,
  5. To develop a repository of programs in WONCA to make available a continent based platform to bench mark programs from different countries.

Prague Statement 2013

Objectives of the WONCA Working Party on Quality & Safety


Publications & Documents


WHO decade for Patient Safety group photo- February 2020.
Documents related to WHO Global Consultation - A Decade of Patient Safety 2020-2030, are available here.

The WONCA Working Party on Quality and Safety in Family Medicine(WWPQSFM) will:

  • Establish across the world, regional networks of family doctors interested in quality safety in family medicine.
  • Facilitate the exchange of ideas through conferences, reports, communication and through collaborative research,
  • Increase the capacity of those involved in quality and safety in healthcare,
  • Develop a leadership for quality and safety in family medicine;
  • Provide mutual support within the regions;
  • Serve as a resource for concepts and methodologies for safety and quality in family medicine, such as principles of guidelines development, patient outcomes measures, practice assessment tools, or partnerships with patients for quality in health care; and
  • Conduct education and other sessions at strategic regional and international WONCA conferences.


Working Party meeting in 2018 


The WONCA Working Party on Quality and Safety in Prague 2013
Standing, l to r:Aziz Khan Tank, Sivashanmuganathan Sagathavan, Alexandre Gouveia, José Miguel Bueno Ortiz, Jerry Sayre

Sitting, l to r: Olayinka Ayangkobe, Matie Obazee, Daniel Thuraiappah, Tina Eriksson, Tin Myo Han

Members of WWPQSFM in Cancun (back row from l to r) Jeff Markuns (USA), Jerry Sayre (USA), Alexandre Gouveia (Portugal) (front row from l to r) Tina Erikson (Denmark), Jose Miguel Bueno Ortiz (Spain), Javier Dominguez del Olmo (Mexico), Sonia Roache-Barker (Trinidad and Tobago)

Relevant Resources