Applications open worldwide for bursaries to attend WONCA Prague

About the bursaries

After the successful introduction of conference bursaries in 2010, doctors from all WONCA regions are invited to apply for WONCA Europe's bursary awards for attending the WONCA World Conference in Prague in 2013. These are different bursaries to those offered by the Host Organizing Committee.

WONCA Europe has established a fund of $30,000 to support bursaries for the WONCA World Conference in Prague, Czech Republic in June 2013. These bursaries will support conference registration, accommodation and travel to a maximum of $1,000 per person. The Host Organising Committee will provide affordable accommodation for successful applicants. Please note that successful applicants will be required to pay a fixed registration fee.

Worldwide applicants welcome

The bursaries will be available worldwide in competition to any family doctor or resident in a family doctor programme, who can make a case for such a bursary and who is supported by their own College or Association. Up to 30 bursaries will be granted.

In order to avoid problems where bursaries are granted to doctors who then do not come to the conference, WONCA Europe Executive will expect Colleges and Associations supporting applicants to make the necessary payments and these will be reimbursed direct to the College or Association after the conference.


Applications will be received by the WONCA Europe Executive and their decisions will be final. Successful applicants will be required to submit a short report of their attendance at the conference.

Application Forms may be downloaded here

or requested from Barbara Toplek (

The last date for receipt of completed applications will be 15 December 2012.
Successful applicants will be notified by 15 January 2013.

For more information on WONAC Europe please visit
For more information about the WONCA World conference 2013 Prague please visit the conference website

For information about bursaries offered by the Host Organizing Committee

Dr Tony Mathie
Wonca Europe President