WONCA SAR - Sri Lanka heading for a big bang in February
The WONCA South Asia Region conference organisers are planning an exciting conference in Colombo from 12 to 14 February, 2016. (preconference workshops 11- 12 February).
It will be a interesting programme highlighting current issues in the South Asian region and focussing the role of the family physician in primary health care and the way forward in keeping with the theme "
Reaching Across the shores to Strengthen Primary Care" .
Many key speakers are invited to conduct workshops, symposia and guest lectures on vital topics to sensitise and create awareness amongst the GPs in South Asia on such topics as Global Health, Universal Health Coverage, SDG's, NCD and CKD in South Asia, Research in Primary Care etc.
There will be many events on the social programme -the Inauguration Ceremony followed by a cultural programme and cocktail party (All international delegates are requested to bring along their national costumes for the opening ceremony); the Grand Banquet (optional), the Conference Banquet (tickets available at registration desk) and sightseeing tours within and outside the city.
In addition the official conference tour organisers Jetwing Travels have planned many exciting tours to see beautiful Sri Lanka at special package prices for registrants.The interest shown by many WONCA members from the region and all over the world to attend and participate in this conference is encouraging. Please visit our website
http://www.woncasar2016.org for more details.
If you have not already registered, now is the time to catch the 'Early Bird''!! (EARLY BIRD REGISTRATION UNTIL JANUARY 1)
Looking forward to see you in sunny Sri Lanka!!
Preethi Wijegoonewardene,