2nd International Afriwon Pre-Conference

2nd International Afriwon Pre-Conference Conference Image

5th June 2024

The Aga Khan University, Nairobi

Conference Program

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8 AM - 4 PM

2nd International WONCA Emergency Medicine SIG Seminar WEMSEM 2024

Dr. Nisanth Menon N
Associate Professor & Head, Emergency Medicine, MOSC Mission Medical College, Kolenchery, Ernakulam, India
Deputy Chair of WONCA

Dr. Mercy Wanjala
Afriwon Chair, WONCA Emergency Medicine SIG and AfriWon Liaison

Dr. Miriam Rey Seoane
Specialist in Family and Community Medicine ICS Barcelona/ CUAP, Barcelona, Spain

Dr. Rabee Kazan
Specialist in Family and Community Medicine, CAP Rambla Terrassa, Barcelona, Spain. EYFDM FM360 Global Lead

Dr. Roshan Mathew
Associate Professor Emergency Medicine, Hamdard Institute of Medical Sciences and Research, New Delhi, India

Dr. Kevin Bartay
Medical Doctor and Kenya Medical Association Young Doctors Network Co-convener

Organizing Committee

Dr. Elena Klusova N
Specialist in Family and Community Medicine, Mobile Intensive Care Unit & Helicopter Emergency Service, Ibiza, Spain. Chair of WONCA Special interest group on Emergency Medicine

Dr. Raisa Alvarez Paniagua
Specialist in Family and Community Medicine SERIS, (Riojano Health Service), Spain. Communication Manager of WONCA Special Interest Group on Emergency Medicine


9:00 - 9:30 am: Opening Remarks and Introduction to the Preconference

9:30 - 11:00 am: Workshop 1: Point of Care Ultrasound (POCUS) ECHO Modules

11:00 - 11:15 am: Coffee Break

11:15 - 12:45 pm: Workshop 2: ECG: Most Threatening Rhythms for the Family Doctor

12:45 - 1:45 pm: Lunch Break

1:45 - 3:00 pm: Workshop 3: Mass Casualty Incident Management

3:00 pm: Closing Remarks and Feedback Session

2nd International Afriwon Pre-Conference

Point of Care Ultrasound (POCUS) and ECHO Training

Authors: Dr. Nisanth Menon N, Dr. Roshan Mathew

Facilitators: Dr. Rabee Kazan, Dr. Emma Khabure, Dr. Edward Maina, Dr. Sheila Ayesa, Dr. Ebrahim Abdiwahid

Background: Family Medicine specialists are using POCUS to improve diagnostic timeliness and accuracy, especially in Emergencies. The Wonca EM SIG POCUS and Echo Programme is a comprehensive and concise emergency ultrasound training module developed and taught by seasoned Emergency POCUS physician experts and primary care physicians from across the globe. The course will be led by Dr Nisanth Menon N from India. The workshop will guide you on your POCUS educational journey with hands-on training activities and short lectures.

Lecture 1

POCUS - Basics, Knobology, Applications in emergencies
Dr. Nisanth Menon - 30 minutes

Hands on session 1 on EFAST - Airway - Lung assessments
(All faculty) - 20 minutes

Lecture 2

Basics of Echo, application, Protocols for Shock assessments
Dr. Roshan Mathew - 20 minutes

Hands on session 2
Echo - views and applications
(All faculty) - 20 minutes

Fearless ECG Mastery

Authors: Dr. Elena Klusova, Dr. Nisanth Menon, Dr. Miriam Rey, Dr. Rabee Kazan, Dr. Raisa Alvarez Paniagua

Facilitators: Dr Cynthia Mureithi, Dr Norah Obungu, Dr Nimai Kharva

Background: One of the most stressful situations for family doctors who manage emergencies is dealing with acute cardiac pathologies. Patients can be in critical condition and physicians are pushed to their limit, challenging their knowledge, reaction times and clinical judgment. The reality is a wide variety of pathologies to be aware of, often professional uncertainty and varying ability to manage them. This is especially crucial in health systems with small clinics and rural practices, with a lack of collegial support and a growing population of elderly, fragile and multimorbid patients. The electrocardiogram has proven to be one of the most cost-efficient and sensitive resources for diagnosing many fearsome pathologies, especially when the symptoms are ambiguous. Reading and interpreting ECG is an essential skill, capable of saving lives by diagnosing and differentiating acute and chronic conditions at all stages of their evolution.

Methods and Results

A meticulous analysis of clinical cases will be woven into a lively engaging gaming workshop format, showcasing ECG traces of the heart rhythms most frequently encountered in daily practice.


3"+2” Icebreaker/Presentation

20" "So, ECG is hard, where do we start?" A review of the basic methodology for reading a normal ECG, broken down into simple logical steps for ease of interpretation will be made. Key concepts of electrical disturbances will be highlighted enabling quick and accurate diagnosis of pathologies that are often perceived as complex.

60" Game time: A quiz will be organized in teams of small groups with short thinking time and voting by the spokesperson. Each answer will be explained first by the winning group and corrected or completed by one of the expert members of the emergency medicine special interest group.

5" Key messages and prizes to winners.

Learning objectives: To provide general practitioners with the necessary skills to feel prepared and confident facing the most common cardiac emergencies in their daily practice.

Key Messages:

Remember the 8 steps of systematic ECG reading: Step 1: Rate; Step 2: Rhythm; Step 3: Axis; Step 4: Intervals; Step 5: P wave; Step 6: QRS complex; Step 7: ST segment-T wave; Step 8: Overall Refer: The basic patterns of time-dependent electrical disturbances must be referred to the emergency room without delay and with the initial standardized treatment according to the protocols, which we will provide. Be humble as professionals, recognize your limitations and do not hesitate to ask for advice and help.

Mass Casualty Incidents: Are You Ready to S. T. A. R. T ?

Authors: Dr. Miriam Rey, Dr. Rabee Kazan, Dr. Elena Klusova, Dr. Raisa Alvarez, Dr. Nisanth Menon

Facilitators: Dr Grace Muthoni, Dr Sokhi Daljiv

Background: Mass Casualty Incidents (MCI) pose significant challenges for emergency responders, family physicians and general practitioners, requiring swift and effective triage, treatment and coordination to save lives. It requires a shift on how we do it every day, a different way of mental focus, that needs to be trained and developed. This workshop aims to provide participants with the basic knowledge, practical scenarios and learning skills, in managing MCIs through tabletop simulations. Triage methodologies, including METHANE, S.T.A.R.T, as well as practice setting up zones, and delegating tasks in a dynamic simulated environment.

The Workshop timeline:

1. Introduction and online form.

2. Ice breaker

3. Brief theory

4. In groups: case scenarios with tabletop simulations
There will be up to 4 different case scenarios, with different levels of difficulty, 1 basic, 2 intermediate ones, and 1 complex scenario, that will reflect national and international realities (traffic accident (bus-car), bomb scenario, gun scenario, knife scenario)

5. Answers, little bit more theory, take home messages

6. Questions, debate, online form (for research)


At least 4 big tables for the tabletop (if it is not possible, we could do it on the floor). We have 4 city maps, plastic carpets. Each scenario will have 50 different patients on it (wood figurines, with numbers on the base, and different sizes, children, adults, older people) but only 20 per scenario they will have to triage. Each group will appoint a leader or MCI coordinator, that will be the responsible to write down and present the scenario later on. And they will have the help of one facilitator per group.

Materials they will have:

  • Rules in writing on how to play scenario
  • Basic theory and materials (METHANE, START, ZONES)
  • Colorful washi tape to delimit zones (red, yellow, green)
  • List of “victims” from 1-20, with their characteristics and vitals, and a place to determine their level of triage, and destinations
  • 3 ambulances to transport patients to other levels of assistance (toy cars)
  • Pen
  • Computer with sound and a projector
  • Microphone



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