Asia Pacific Region report after Seoul
The Asia Pacific Region (APR) executive committee for 2018-2020

President: Prof Meng-Chih Lee (Chinese Taipei) -
pictured at right
Immediate Past President: Prof Jung-Kwon Lee (Korea)
Honorary Secretary: Dr Brian Chang (Chinese Taipei)
Honorary Treasurer: Dr Husni Jamal Mohammad (Malaysia)
Members At Large:
Dr Tesshu Kusaba (Japan)
Prof Shan-Zhu Zhu (China)
Dr Aileen Riet Espina (Philippines)
Young Doctor Representative: Dr Erfen Gustiawan Suwangto (Indonesia)
Other appointments approved by APR Council in October, 2018 as follows:
Editor-in-Chief, Asia Pacific Family Medicine Journal: Prof Yousuke Takemura (Japan)
APR Representative for Wonca Working Party on Research: Prof Ryuki Kassai (Japan)
Our goals for 2018-2020
- Closely collaborate with WHO WP Regional Office, especially the new Regional Director, Dr Takeshi Kasai.
- Strongly promote the APR conferences in Kyoto 2019, New Zealand 2020, and Myanmar 2021.
- Eagerly recruit new member organizations, for example Cambodia and Laos
- Closely work with APR Rajakumar Movement for young doctors