Call for Applications: Taiwan Family Medicine Research Award 2023

April, 2023

The Taiwan Family Medicine Research Award (TFMRA) was established by the Chinese Taipei Association of Family Medicine (CTAFM) in 2008. It is to support travel expense for three junior family physicians to attend each WONCA World Conference. The purpose of TFMRA was to encourage junior family physicians to conduct research in the specialty field of family medicine.

The award

The TFMRA is a prize of USD 1,500 to each young family physicians for the excellence of their research.

CTAFM will give a total of USD 4,500 to junior family physicians for them to attend the WONCA World Conference in Sydney, Australia. Three junior family physicians will be chosen by the selection committee.

Winners should attend the WONCA World Conference 2023 in person or by an officially approved representative by the selection committee to receive the award from the President of the Chinese Taipei Association of Family Medicine.

*At least one winner should be from the Asia Pacific region.

Eligibility for applicants

1. The applicant must fulfill one of the following qualifications: a practicing family physi-cian; an attending physician at an academic institute, a resident in a formal training program, or a graduate student in the related specialty of family medicine.
2. The applicant should be under 40 years of age and in the first three years of their re-search career.
3. No more than one applicant from each WONCA Member Organisation.
4. The applicant should submit a full paper that is unpublished and unpresented elsewhere.
5. The submitted paper should have received no funding from any resources or award.
6. The award paper should be presented at the WONCA World Conference 2023.

Criteria for selection

1. Relevance of the research topic to the family medicine of the country where the re-search was conducted.
2. The originality of the article and compliance to the codes of research ethics.
3. Rigor of the research methodology.
4. Contribution of the research to clinical practice.
5. Quality of English writing including but not limited to abstract, introduc-tion/background, literature review, materials and methods, results, and discussion.

To apply

Please send submissions, including a covering letter to Chinese Taipei Association of Family Medicine and a copy of a recent CV, by the closing date of Friday 19 May 2023 at 17:00 UTC to the WONCA Secretariat at