"Safe and Sound", a blog for Patient Safety Awareness
Discover the Blog “Sano y Salvo” (Safe and Sound), created by the Patient Safety Working Group (PSWG) of WONCA Member Organization SemFYC (Spanish Society for Family and Community Medicine). The blog was launched on January 15th 2008, while very few websites focused on patient safety, and nothing referred to primary care.
The group aimed to contribute and improve patient safety in health services in general and in primary care in particular. To this end, the Patient Safety Working Group promote a culture of patient safety among healthcare professionals through the review and dissemination of available knowledge, the development of training and research activities and the preparation and distribution of related materials and documents.
Maria Pilar Astier Peña, who also serves as Chair of the WONCA Working Party on Quality and Safety, writes:
"From the beginning, we considered the blog as a simple system to share the existing documentation on the topic among ourselves. We chose a system simple to use, versatile and open to anyone interested in it, such as a blog. Not long after, we found an unexpected increase in visitors worldwide. This moved us to make Sano y salvo what it is now: a place where you can access relevant and up to date information on the subject".
In addition to the latest news on patient safety, this blog is also a comprehensive repository of previous publications on the subject.
With more than 1 800 000 views, and 10 600 followers on Twitter, the blog now closely follows the evolution of the pandemic (from its beginnings in Wuhan), offering information, analysis, and recommendations to continue caring for patient safety in times of great challenges and uncertainty.
Discover "Sano y Salvo"
here and follow them on Twitter
Dr María Pilar Astier Peña, Chair of the Working Party on Quality & Safety
Dr José Miguel Bueno Ortiz, Secretary of the Working Party on Quality & Safety