First5™ – A New UK Initiative

First5™ is an initiative which has been developed by the Royal College of General Practitioners (RCGP) in the UK since 2009 to support new general practitioners (GPs) from the time of completion of training through the first five years of independent practice.[1] The concept of supporting new GPs through the crucial early years is relevant to Wonca member organisations across the world. First5™ is about empowering the next generation of new GPs, encouraging their energy and enthusiasm and equipping them with the skills needed to lead the profession in the years ahead. The concept seems to have captured the essence of what being a new GP is all about and given an identity to this somewhat lost tribe. First5™ has recently been trademarked so the name and concept remain true to the original aims set out by RCGP in 2009. The five pillars of First5™ are:

  1. Connecting with College - Promoting a sense of be-longing and appropriate representation for the First5™ cohort within the college.
  2. Facilitating networks – Encouraging peer support and mentoring through the development of local networks using the RCGP faculty structure.
  3. Supporting revalidation – Offering support through revalidation.
  4. Career mentorship – Highlighting the opportunities a career in general practice offers and helping new GPs get the most out of being a GP.
  5. Continuing professional development (CPD) – Identifying areas of CPD which members in the first five years feel are not well provided and developing materials which will be address their learning needs.

For further information please e-mail us at first5@rcgp., join our Facebook page at ‘RCGPfirst5’ or follow us on Twitter ‘@rcgpfirst5’.

Dr Clare J Taylor, First5™ Clinical Lead, Royal College of General Practitioners, London

[1] Taylor CJ, Parsons J, Sparrow N and Gerada C. The First5 Concept. Br J Gen Pract 2011; 61(582):72-73