First virtual global meeting of Young Doctor Movement leaders

On Tuesday July 23, 2014 – for the first time ever – all seven Young Doctor Movement leaders/representatives met via teleconference. The meeting’s agenda included important topics such as the relationship between the Young Doctor Movements (YDMs) with WONCA proper, the sharing of resources, exchange of best practices, and current YDM-led initiatives including the Family Medicine 360 Exchange Program (FM360) and the ASPIRE Global Leader Program.

FM360 was launched just over a year ago and has been gaining strength and popularity worldwide in all seven YDM regions. This program aims to unite trainees and junior physicians from around the world through exchange experiences in a manner that offers a more standardized format for both host and visitor. While still allowing individuals to personalize their specific exchange goals and objectives, FM360 seeks to ensure a high quality with each experience. The program has received support from all the leads as well as WONCA as a whole. Currently, arrangements are being finalized regarding hosts, WONCA’s overall role, and limiting liability risk. A separate teleconference is being arranged to further discussions on these important components.

Though in its infancy, the ASPIRE Global Leader Program has gained much support over the last several months and is still pending necessary approvals before any official launch occurs. The name itself is an acronym representing the following – Academics, Students, Preconferences, International collaborations, Residents/Research, and Exchanges. The program aims to augment participants’ basic leadership skills through participation in international collaborations, research, conference presentations, and exchanges – among other areas. ASPIRE will also serve to recognize participants’ accomplishments and development of such skills while augmenting the junior physician base necessary for the existence of our YDMs as well as the future of WONCA.

Finally, similar virtual meetings are scheduled to occur monthly to ensure continued contact between all YDM regions. By improving interconnectedness at the top levels, the intent is to ensure enhanced information flow throughout the rest of the global YDM community allowing for more numerous and higher quality interactions between each region’s members. Keep your eyes peeled as more good things are soon to come!

Nagwa Nashat (Al Razi Movement) & Kyle Hoedebecke (WONCA Polaris)

Leaders of each Young Doctor Movement can be contacted as follows:


WONCA region


Africa Kayode Alao
Al Razi
East Mediterranean  Nagwa Nashat  
North America Kyle Hoedebecke
Asia Pacific Shin Yoshida
Spice Route
South Asia Raman Kumar
Vasco da Gama
Europe Peter  Sloane
Iberoamericana Rodolfo Deusdará
Andrea de Angulo
Karina Vilarroel