From The Editor

April, 2012

Website Progress

Apologies first

Members have noticed that the WONCA website is not working as they expect.

On the one hand it is heartening for both the secretariat in Singapore, and myself, to realise that many of our members do indeed value the WONCA website enough, to express their distress at the situation. On the other hand, we must, of course, apologise that such disappointments are occurring.

The bright side to the current disruptions is that as previously reported, in December 2011, by our CEO, Dr Alfred Loh, the WONCA website is being totally revamped. Progress is steady and it is hoped that at the end of this process, WONCA Executive will be able to launch, in July 2012, a new website that is both user-friendly and more useful to users.

Our WONCA working parties and special interest groups (SIGs) are currently in the process of updating their information in an attempt to provide a better understanding for members of the work that is being done. This will also provide members with a clearer understanding of the opportunities available to get involved in WONCA activities. As a result, we are able to profile in this issue two of our committee chairs, Prof Mike Klinkman (WICC) and Prof Allyn Walsh (Education).

World Family Doctor Day

The WONCA CEO has written to member organisations reminding them that World of Family Doctor Day is again fast approaching. We want to hear what your organisation is planning to do on this second ever, World of Family Doctor Day. If your organisation needs inspiration, you can look at the June 2011 edition of WONCA News to see what other organisations did last year.

The Philippine Academy of Family Physicians (PAFP) designed a badge last year which they have kindly agreed may be used by any WONCA organisation member to promote World of Family Doctor Day. The badge is displayed in the photo collage on page XX and may be downloaded from the WONCA website.

Also in this issue

We are pleased to have an update from our colleagues in Japan one year on from the horrific devastation caused by the earthquake and subsequent tsunami. We often fail to realise how long it takes for services to return to normal, and certainly our colleagues in Japan are still suffering the ramifications of this natural disaster.

Another update in this issue is a report written by the first ever recipient of the Montegut Global Scholar Program, Dr Kyriakos Maltezis. Kyriakos tells us of the changes he has made since the sponsorship of his attendance to WONCA Europe Warsaw, in 2011. It is immediately obvious that this program has had a profound effect for this young doctor.

Also from the young doctors of Europe, Sara Rigon, of the Vasco da Gama Movement writes about the Hippokrates and Carosino prizes that will be awarded, in Vienna, in July this year. We also have a photo of Sara wearing a new T-shirt promoting the Vasco da Gama Movement which will be available, also in Vienna.

Conferences coming up

Keynote speakers are featured for the coming conference of WONCA Europe in Vienna, in July; and also for the Rural Rendez-Vous in Thunder Bay, Canada, in October. WONCA Europe networks EURIPA and EGPRN are both meeting in May and provide details for interested parties.

Asia Pacific region president, Dr Donald Li, reports on some of the conferences he has attended recently.

Academic advertisements

WONCA Executive has decided that members may be interested to read about international academic vacancies in WONCA News, and hopefully in the future, on the new WONCA website. As such, advertisements will be accepted free of charge from WONCA academic members, and for the time being this privilege may be extended to others. Advertisements will need to conform to certain guidelines and WONCA reserves the right to refuse any request. Full details can be obtained by contacting the WONCA Editor.

Dr Karen M Flegg
WONCA Editor
PO Box 6023
Griffith ACT 2603 Australia
Fax: +61 2 62 44 41 05
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