WHO East Mediterranean region meeting on Workers’ Health

Photo: Prof Al Nasir (red tie) with the group at the consultation meeting in Semnan.

Prof Faisal Al Nasir of Bahrain recently attended the WHO East Mediterranean region consultation meeting on Workers’ Health on behalf of the WONCA. The meeting was held in The Islamic Republic of Iran and the hosts made every effort to make the participant stay comfortable and memorable.

As a result of this meeting the Semnan Declaration, Caring for all working people, was agreed – it is a a consensus statement of the International Consultation on Interventions, Indicators and Service Delivery for Workers’ Health organized by WHO/EMRO, the Ministry of Health and Medical Education and Semnan University of Medical Sciences, in collaboration with ILO, WONCA, and ICOH.

Photo:Prof Al Nasir (middle) with the WHO regional advisor, Dr Said Aranaout (on the Right)

Reporting on his participation Prof Al Nasir participated as follows:

1. Delivered a speech in the opening ceremony that was attended by top officials and international experts beside the Semnan Governor, President of Semnan University, deputy of minister of health and the WHO representative in Iran. In this speech he delivered a message from the WONCA President, Prof Michael Kidd (see below) and he invited the Iranian Family Physicians to be active members of the WONCA EMR.
2. Chaired the second session of this international consultation meeting
3. Presented a talk in the second session of the first day on the role of the family physician in the migrant and workers' health.
4. Spoke in the closing ceremony (during the presence of the director of international affairs of ministry of health) again about the importance of family medicine and the importance and that the WONCA EMR is looking forward for the Iran to be involved actively with them.

He reports that “During the remaining sessions and days of the gathering, I was very much involved in the discussion focusing mainly on the discipline of Family Medicine and the role of Family Physicians. I talked in person with several officials in the ministry of health (the deputy minister), Semnan University (the president and vice president) about the importance of the Iranian family physicians being part of WONCA.”

By the end of this consultation, the role of Family Medicine and of WONCA in Workers' Health has been made clearer to the experts and also to the Iranian participants.

WONCA President’s message to the meeting

I bring greetings and best wishes from the president and members of the World Organization of Family Doctors (WONCA). We hope this is a successful meeting and look forward to hearing about the outcomes.

WONCA recognises that worker’s health is an important component of our work as family doctors in each of our countries.

WONCA greatly values our ongoing partnership with the World Health Organization, and especially with Ivan, in strengthening worker’s health.

WONCA also recognises the global challenge to improve the health and productivity of workers by increasing the number and capacity of health professionals who can assist in the prevention and management of work-related health problems.

WONCA is committed to working with our member organisations in each country, and with our global partners, to address the gaps in clinical services, research, and policies for the health and safety of workers and to better integrate occupational health into the primary care setting, to the benefit of workers and their families in all nations.

Photo: Prof Al Nasir (right) with the president of Semnan University, Dr Mahdi Shadnoosh

Prof Faisal Al Nasir
On behalf of WONCA EMR