WONCA endorses Social Justice Position Statement
The WONCA Executive Committee has endorsed and supported the World Psychiatric Association (WPA) Social Justice Position Statement and the call for a FAIR DEAL. The WPA plan to release these on September 4 - "Mind Matters Day". These papers tackle stigma and discrimination against people with mental health concerns, and call for a FAIR DEAL.
F airness and equity in funding, resources, outcomes and research
A ccessibility to effective services
I ntegrating physical and mental health
R educing discrimination and stigma
D isparities at all levels to be demolished
E ducation of public and stakeholders
A lliances and advocacy with patients and carers
L inks with organisations and across specialities
All of these areas are inter-linked. Equity and fairness in funding, research will lead to better outcomes and greater patient and carer satisfaction. Advocacy of our patients will produce equitable access and better recovery. Tackling discrimination will improve access and engagement.
The campaign includes public mental health agenda as well as campaign for social justice for those with mental illness. Three Steps:
Achieving a Fair Deal: awareness: The campaign will involve a programme of public education and communications work to raise awareness of the eight priorities .
Achieving a Fair Deal: action: The WPA will undertake key projects and actions to address each of the eight priorities, including partnership work with other organisations..
Achieving a Fair Deal: involvement: The Fair Deal campaign will involve psychiatrists, patients, carers and policy makers.
Get involved, sign up and spread the word.
see WPA Position Statement On Social Justice For Persons With Mental Illness (Mental Disability)