WONCA remains an 'organization in official relations" with WHO

WHO has confirmed that WONCA has had its "Organization in Official Relations" status renewed for a further three years. The decision was confirmed at the 138th session of the WHO Executive Board and detailed in a letter to the WONCA CEO as follows:

In accordance with exchanges between our organizations last year, the WHO Executive Board reviewed the report of our relations and collaboration at its 138th session. I am pleased to inform you that the Board decided to maintain the World Organization of Family Doctors in official relations with the World Health Organization.

In making its decision, the Board commended the continuing dedication of the organization you represent in support of the work of WHO.

I would like to take this opportunity to convey my thanks to the World Organization of Family Doctors for its work with WHO. I hope that our activities continue to be as fruitful. In this connection, please contact Dr Montenegro Von Muhlenbrock who serves as the Designated Technical Officer for our relations, to pursue implementation of the agreed plan for collaboration.

I look forward to the continuing support and collaboration of your organization in implementing activities to achieve global health goals

Yours sincerely,

Dr Gaudenz Silberschmidt
Partnerships and non-State Actors
Office of the Director-General