WP on Education- Cairns and Prague activities

Val Wass, chair of the WONCA Working Party on Education summarises the group's planned activities at the next two WONCA conferences - the world rural conference in Cairns in late April, and WONCA Europe in Prague in late June.

Thank you to all those reading and responding to our update in the last newsletter: We have 19 new members from 14 countries. I am delighted.

If you are coming to either the WONCA Rural Conference in Cairns or the WONCA Europe Conference in Prague we are running the following workshops:

At WONCA Rural:

WORKSHOP 1: Developing social accountability with the rural undergraduate curriculum

WORKSHOP 2: Continuing Professional Development (CPD) standards: Meeting the needs of a rural practitioner?

At WONCA Europe:

WORKSHOP 1: Understanding assessment methodology and the move to more personalised formative feedback

WORKSHOP 2: Developing the undergraduate curriculum to promote family medicine in medical schools”

If you are there you are most welcome and if you would like to help facilitate please contact Val Wass


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