Why you should join us at WONCA APR in Kyoto, Japan, in 2019
Theme : Medical generalists –bringing forward a brighter future
Dates: May 15-18, 2019
Venue: Kyoto, Japan
This is the third announcement about the WONCA APR Kyoto in 2019.
All through WONCA in Kyoto, Japan, in 2019 is the Asia Pacific Region conference, participants will enjoy variety of topics and will meet variety of speakers from around the world in addition to reconnecting with colleagues from the Asia Pacific region. Topics covered will include as follows:
1. Artificial Intelligence
2. Child health
3. Clinical care
4. Community
5. Continuing professional development
6. Disaster Medicine
7. Education
8. Elderly care
9. Evidence-based medicine
10. Family-oriented care
11. Health economics
12. Health policy
13. Medical generalism
14. Medical humanities
15. Mental health
17. Patient-centered care
18. Patient Safety
19. Prevention / Health promotion
20. Primary care
21. Primary palliative care
22. Professionalism
23. Quality Improvement
24. Remote and rural
25. Research
26. Social determinants of health
27. Travelers Medicine
28. Uncertainty
29. Universal health coverage
30. Women’s health
Follow the conference tracks of particular relevance to you!
Important Dates
Call for Symposia / Workshops deadline - November 30, 2018
Call for Papers deadline - closes January 15, 2019
Early Bird Registration - closes January 15, 2019
Kindly yours,

Prof Nobutaro Ban
Representing the Japan Primary Care Association
Chair, Organizing Committee, WONCA APR 2019 Japan
Professor and Director
Medical Education Center
Aichi Medical University School of Medicine