Membership for Organizations

Like-minded organizations may be eligible to join WONCA in one of the following categories of membership:

  • Member Organizations (Full or Associate Membership for national Professional Organizations of GPs/FPs)
  • Academic Departments of General Practice / Family Medicine
  • Organizations in collaborative relationships

Organizations - Email for application detailsIndividuals - Details and application form

Member Organizations

WONCA's voting members are organizations. Professional organizations who are national organizations or a group of national organizations may be eligible for membership as voting members of WONCA. The two major categories of WONCA Member Organizations are:

a) Full Membership is for national organizations or a group of national organizations which are  representative of general practitioners/family physicians of that country or those countries and a majority of whose constituent voting membership consists of general practitioners/family physicians who are legally registered to practice within that country or those countries. The voting membership of such organizations may include medical practitioners in training. No component member of a Full Member Organization shall hold Full Membership in WONCA in its own right. Representatives of these organizations for the WONCA Council which meets before each World conference. Email for full details.

b) Associate Membership is for national organizations or a group of national organizations whose missions and objectives are consistent with those of WONCA and not eligible or do not seek Full Membership and of which the majority of the constituent voting membership are members of the recognized health professions as defined in our Bylaws.

Member Organizations are able to advertise their conferences on the WONCA Website and are encouraged to send news for the WONCA's monthly newsletter.

Academic Members

Academic Departments/Training Programs of general practice/family medicine which are actively involved in teaching or research, support the Mission of WONCA and desire affiliation with the organization, may apply for WONCA Academic Membership. They shall provide evidence of their status as academic department or recognized training programmes in general practice/family medicine. See list of Academic Members click here.

Benefits of Academic Membership
WONCA provides opportunities for global networking especially with other Academic Members – this is especially useful for new Departments of Family Medicine in developing countries who may “twin” with other Academic Members from more developed countries. Academic Members are able to advertise their conferences on the WONCA Website or announce their education programs in the WONCA's monthly newsletter.

Organizations in Collaborative Relations

International organizations whose missions and objectives are consistent with those of WONCA and who are not eligible for, or who do not seek Full or Associate Membership may apply for this category of membership.

Organizations in collaborative relations

All Organizations who are Members of WONCA receive:

  • Monthly electronic newsletter to help stay in touch with the world of Family Medicine.
  • Discounts on all WONCA publications and products (See the WONCA shop)
  • A certificate of Membership

For further details on all above categories of membership, the criteria for application and relevant forms, please email the WONCA Secretariat.