With the global burden of kidney disease increasing, early identification and treatment is a worldwide imperative. Therefore, the International Society of Nephrology (ISN), KDIGO -a global non-profit foundation dedicated to improving the care and outcomes of patients with kidney disease worldwide- carried out a webinar to explore the CKD Early Identification and Intervention Toolkit, launched in 2021, through the perspective of the PCP, discussing CKD identification and risk stratification in the primary care environment. Panelists also discussed how to increase collaboration between PCPs and nephrologists.
In this session, WONCA was present through the participation of Dr Ana Cebrián, Chair of the WONCA Special Interest Group: Non-communicable diseases, who highlighted the crucial role of Primary care physicians in detecting chronic kidney disease on its early stages.
"As a primary care physician, checking the albuminuria and GFR in patients should be considered as a must when we approach patients. Then we can move forward into treatment", commented Dr Ana Cebrián.
WONCA was also represented with the participation of Dr Domingo Orozco Beltrán, Past Chair of WONCA Special Interest Group: Non-communicable disease, who emphasised primary care as the first point of contact and screening for CKD.
"Screening is a term that should be commonly used, not stigmatize patients, but to be able to detect and treat them earlier" noted Dr Domingo Orozco- Beltrán.
The session also featured presentations by Dr Vivekanand Jha, Past-President of the International Society of Nephrology (ISN) and Dr Magdalena Madero, Chair of the ISN Latin American Regional Board.
"The importance of primary care for CKD management is key. It's critical that the international nephrology community join efforts with other societies, like KDIGO and WONCA to better care for patients", Dr Vivekanand Jha, Past-President of ISN.
According to ISN, there are 850 million people living with kidney disease worldwide. “The number of Chronic kidney disease is highest in low-income countries and lower, middle-income country, however, a consensus to treat it is needed”
The ISN - KDIGO - WONCA Joint Webinar is now available
ISN-KDIGO CKD Early Identification and Intervention toolkit
Chronic kidney disease (CKD) causes substantial global morbidity and increases cardiovascular and all-cause mortality, so identifying and treating it at the earliest stages is a worldwide imperative.
To this end, the ISN and KDIGO launched a series of tools for CKD early identification and intervention aimed at kidney health professionals, primary care physicians and nurses working in primary care settings.
The website includes a series of resources for CKD early identification, including:
- Quick guides and infographics
- Teaching tools for health teams
- Resources for patients
- Conference report and articles
- Webinars and webcasts
Discover and access these tools:
CKD Early Identification and Intervention Toolkit.