Vasco da Gama Movement's twitter milestone.
On June 18 2014 the Twitter account of the Vasco da Gama Movement, @vdgmeu, reached its 1000th follower!
Just less than three years ago, on August 6 2011, the Twitter account of the Vasco da Gama Movement was created.
@vdgmeu has since shared with its followers 371 photos and videos and it also enriched Social Media conversations with 2036 of its own tweets and many more retweets, quotes and favourite tweets !
Followed mostly by new and future General Practitioners / Family Physicians living in Europe, @vdgmeu reaches also senior GPs in Europe and junior, senior and future GPs from around the world. Other followers include medical students, other healthcare professionals, medical and non-medical organisations such as the International Federation of Medical Student’s Associations (IFMSA), British Journal of General Practice, European Forum for Primary Care, national GP organizations, WONCA Europe networks and working groups but also patients and media outlets.
@vdgmeu inspired many conversations about the VdGM Preconferences, Forum and the WONCA Europe and World WONCA conferences since it's creation in 2011. It has done so through a Twitter "How To" guide distributed to preconference and forum participants as part of the event e-booklet, through social media workshops and dedicated hashtags and also through the example of VdGM Executive members such as @lygidakis, @rgn_sr and @rqgb.
While #wonca2011vdgm started out with just little under 80,000 impressions and 149 tweets. By 2013 and the World WONCA Conference the #wonca2013 hashtag had created over 6,000,000 impressions and 1414 tweets !
The Facebook group of the Vasco da Gama Movement is very close to reach its 1000th member.
The Vasco Da Gama Movement is the WONCA Europe Working Group for New and Future General Practitioners / Family Physicians, created in 2004.
More details on VdGM.