Featured Doctor

Executive 2013-18, Europe President 2013-16

ProfJobFMMetsemakers (TheNetherlands)
Europe Region President 2013-16

WONCA Europe President 2013-16
Executive Member-at-Large & Honorary Treasurer 2016-18

Job FM Metsemakers studied medicine at Maastricht (The Netherlands). He was in the first intake of 50 medical students, at Maastricht University, in a new course based on problem based learning. This was a new approach in teaching medicine and suited his way of learning. As student, he was involved in the development of this new medical curriculum and he has stayed active in many different roles within the program for over 30 years.

After becoming a medical doctor, he decided to train as a family doctor, which at that time was one year post-graduate training. He has now worked as a family doctor, for more then 30 years, in a small community (3000 inhabitants) near Maastricht; concurrently holding a position as lecturer at the Department of Family Medicine, at Maastricht University.

He obtained is PhD degree on studies of the Registration Network Family Practices using routine health care data from electronic medical records which were used for several research projects. His research interests are medical record keeping, medical registration; classifications such as ICPC, and the use of data for research.

In 2002, he became professor and chair of the Department of Family Medicine, at Maastricht University.

At the international level, he has been active as consultant in health care reform in Eastern European countries, and in development of family medicine in Indonesia. He has been on the executive board of The European Academy of Teachers in General Practice and Family Medicine (EURACT), and currently is on the Advisory Board of the European General Practice Research Network (EGPRN).

For the last six years (until June 2013) he was the Honorary Secretary of WONCA Europe. From 2010-2013 he served on the WONCA membership committee. He succeeded Tony Mathie (UK), in June 2013, to become President of WONCA Europe 2013-2016. He is now a Member at Large on WONCA World executive and Honorary Treasurer.

Read 2012 interview with Prof Metsemakers           English     español