He Participated in the preparation of the strategic plan for the development of PHC in the Arab countries 2011-2016 / League of Arab States. Also, he developed a national curriculum of family medicine and he focus on PHC by allocating the fourth year of the residency program at the training center. He worked on increasing the number of residents admitted annually to the program at MoH to reach 85 annually. He received UHC system award 2022 for Family Medicine and PHC Pioneers in EMR region in recognition for all his work in PHC.
He took part in the following positions:
1.Head of Family Medicine in the period 2008-2001.
2.Head of the scientific committee, the advisory board, and the examination committee for family medicine in the Jordanian Medical Council 2008-2002
3. President of the Jordanian Family Medicine Specialist Association for more than one session (2015 -to date) and from the Executive Council Membership Center (WONCA) Eastern Mediterranean Region WONCA EMR 2020-2014
4.The Secretary General of the Higher Health Council 2020-2017.
5.Assistant Secretary-General Center for Primary Health Care / Ministry of Health 2017-2016.
6.Member of the Board of Directors of the Jordanian Breast Cancer Program 2007 - to date.
7.Member of the Board of Trustees of the Royal Society for Health Awareness headed by Her Majesty Queen Rania Al Abdullah 2018 to date.
8.Encouraging medical students in Jordanian universities to choose family medicine and contribute, in coordination with the deans of medical faculties to the introduction of the family medicine course for fifth and sixth year students.
9.Introducing the application of OSCE / Family Medicine in the Jordan Medical Council (JMC) as the first specialty to adopt this form of examination and developing a national bank for questions in the JMC.
10.Contribution with specialists in WHO/EMRO in the preparation of a book: - Family Practice in the Eastern Mediterranean Region / Primary Health Care for UHC and a report on Scaling up Family Practice towards UHC .
11.Preparing the training material and participating as a trainer in the "PHC Diploma" which was implemented in Jordan in cooperation with WHO/ Amman Office.
12.Preparation a package of guidelines for NCDs in FM / PHC clinics and the application of Team-Based NCDs Management in Primary Health Care.
13.Preparing the foundations for the establishment of comprehensive health centers in the MoH and the foundations of providing them with family doctors.
14.Training and accreditation of family doctors on the work and management of healthy schools programs and community Health Clinics in the Kingdom.
15.Inclusion of the Family Practice-Based Approach in three health centers in the Central, North and South regions of the Kingdom.
16.Preparation and submission of the synthesis report on Primary Health Care in Jordan