In May 2010, at the WONCA world conference in Cancun, Mexico, the young doctors from the WONCA Iberoamericana region formed their own group called the Waynakay movement. "Waynakay" means "youth" in the Quechua language, native to the Andes in western South America.
Following the establishment of the Vasco da Gama Movement and Rajakumar Movement, Naomi Harris from Australia and Andréa Poppelier of France developed a proposal for a preconference for young and junior family doctors to be held at the WONCA World conference, in Cancun, in May 2010. The Cancun Host Organizing Committee approved the plans and introduced their member for junior doctors Miguel Angel Quijada Fragoso, to Andrea and Naomi. Thus, three junior doctors from three very different regions of the world, worked for six months to discuss, to exchange ideas and to make plans in order to bring together future General Practitioners from all over the world.
Language, age, gender, religion. None of this mattered at the first ever preconference for new and future general practitioners which was held at the 19th World WONCA conference in Cancun in May 2010. There were over 80 registrants at the Cancun preconference for the World's Future General Practitioners, from four World Wonca Regions and over 21 different countries. The Cancun preconference for the World's Future Family Doctors featured a welcome from Professor Chris van Weel and a keynote address from Professor Rich Roberts.
The culmination of the Preconference, was the formation of the Waynakay Movement.
Join the Waynakay movement