Waynakay Movement (Movimiento Waynakay)

Waynakay Movement (Movimiento Waynakay)

In May 2010, at the WONCA world conference in Cancun, Mexico, the young doctors from the WONCA Iberoamericana region formed their own group called the Waynakay movement. "Waynakay" means "youth" in the Quechua language, native to the Andes in western South America.

Following the establishment of the Vasco da Gama Movement and Rajakumar Movement, Naomi Harris from Australia and Andréa Poppelier of France developed a proposal for a preconference for young and junior family doctors to be held at the WONCA World conference, in Cancun, in May 2010. The Cancun Host Organizing Committee approved the plans and introduced their member for junior doctors Miguel Angel Quijada Fragoso, to Andrea and Naomi. Thus, three junior doctors from three very different regions of the world, worked for six months to discuss, to exchange ideas and to make plans in order to bring together future General Practitioners from all over the world.

Language, age, gender, religion. None of this mattered at the first ever preconference for new and future general practitioners which was held at the 19th World WONCA conference in Cancun in May 2010. There were over 80 registrants at the Cancun preconference for the World's Future General Practitioners, from four World Wonca Regions and over 21 different countries. The Cancun preconference for the World's Future Family Doctors featured a welcome from Professor Chris van Weel and a keynote address from Professor Rich Roberts. 

The culmination of the Preconference, was the formation of the Waynakay Movement.

Join the Waynakay movement

Convenor / Chair

Dr.  Alejandro Saldaña Salazar (Mexico)

Alejandro Saldaña is a Family doctor certified in Mexico, graduated from the specialty at the Unidad de Medicina Familiar Plus c/ UMAA No. 7 del Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social (IMSS) and endorsed by the Universidad de Monterrey. In addition, he has a master's Gestión de Instituciones y Centros Hospitalarios from the Universidad del Valle de México. He currently has an active participation in the board of directors of the Colegio de Medicina Familiar del Estado de Nuevo León A.C.

He has worked as a family doctor at the IMSS, where he currently works in the administrative field, as Deputy Medical Director in the Family Medicine Unit No. 31. In this work center, for five consecutive years, national awards have been obtained for meet the standards of competitiveness and quality related to the care of patients and workers of the unit.

One of the topics that Alejandro is most passionate about is those related to the quality and innovation of health institutions, having multiple courses and diplomas related to the quality of patient care, as well as a social commitment to his community. .

Alejandro also participated in lines of medical research related to user satisfaction in health services.

“I’ve been part of Waynakay since 2017, being the national representative of Mexico. I am very passionate about the topic of Leadership, trying to promote the specialty from the residency with new talents.”

Co-Convenor or other office bearers

email the executive committeewaynakay@wonca.net

Membership Open?

Vision and Mission

Waynakay Movement Mission

Our mission is to strengthen family medicine in the countries of Latin America, promoting leadership, medical education, research and exchange between young doctors in the specialty.

Nuestra mision es fortalecer la Medicina Familiar en los países de Iberoamérica, promoviendo el liderazgo, la educación médica, la investigación y el intercambio entre los médicos jóvenes de la especialidad.

Waynakay Movement Vision

The vision of the Waynakay Movement is strong family medicine in our region, with the presence and active participation of young doctors.

La visión del Movimiento Waynakay es una Medicina Familiar fuerte en nuestra región, con una presencia y participación activa de médicos jóvenes.




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